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“Make space for your Veteran”

Happy Veterans Day from our family to yours! It is an honor and privilege to serve so many Veteran families in our community.

We know that transitions are tough. That is why we are personally invested in helping military families across this country moving from active duty to retirement.

The best advice a friend and mentor gave me, “Make space for your veteran when he returns home.” At the time I thought I was supposed to literally make room in my closet. Her words rang true as we figured out the first months and years of life back together. Now, I pass that advice onto my clients. Make space for your Veteran to return home. Let them figure out their new assignment(in our case Husband and Dad). Remind them that they are just as valuable at home as they are on the battlefield. Give each other lots of grace and unconditional love! Not that we have arrived but we are always pursuing Unstuck Living.

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